Easy and carefree breathing
Healthy living products carry the EC1 seal
High demands at work, the hectic pace of everyday life, to-do lists in our leisure time – six out of ten Germans find their lives stressful. One in five even feels permanently under pressure. This is the result of a Forsa survey commissioned by Techniker Krankenkasse, a German health insurance company. That’s why our home is becoming an important place for winding down and relaxing. Just take a deep breath and spend time with your family – this works best in your own four walls. Naturally, you do not want hazardous pollutants from building and installation products to invade your comfort zone. Reliable eco-labels, above all the EMICODE® seal, indicate which products are low in emissions and environmentally friendly.
A good job and a secure income are worth striving for, but they should be complemented by a high quality of life. To achieve this work-life balance, people place more and more importance on a stylishly furnished home as a place for relaxation and recreation. But what if your cosy home, your oasis of comfort and well-being, is actually a threat to your health? What if the building materials and furniture inside your home produce noxious vapors that can lead to serious physical complaints?
Walls, floors and ceilings account for the largest part of the living space surrounding us at home. They should therefore not contain any harmful substances like volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Wall panels, sealants, primers, adhesives, fillers, joint sealants, insulating underlays and parquet varnishes – these are products that we hardly notice in our everyday life. This makes it all the more important for us to make a careful choice before they are allowed to enter our homes.
Fortunately, there are now reliable quality seals such as EMICODE® indicating which products are really low in emissions. They are also the products of choice for professional craftsmen. A trustworthy indicator is the EC1 seal on the packaging. The EMICODE® seal is based on an evaluation system that is recognized throughout Europe. It takes a close look at many building products and checks their emission behavior under the most stringent test criteria in order to ensure the highest possible level of consumer protection. Only low-emission building and installation products are awarded this seal. Regular spot checks by independent testing institutes monitor the long-term compliance with the quality standard.
Low-emission products are good for our own well-being and at the same time protect the environment. Thus, your home can be designed stylishly but also intelligently. Thanks to the clear labelling on the packaging, you can create an oasis of peace in your own four walls. Just follow your own taste and enjoy carefree living.

Photo: ©goodluz/123rf.com
Simply relax and unwind – this is best done in your own four walls, a microcosm where you should recharge your batteries instead of breathing in polluted air. Fortunately, building products with the EC1 seal are certified to be very low in emissions. This seal provides security and is clearly visible on the packaging.

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