Healthy living in your home
How to identify ecological building products
More and more Germans are eating a health- and eco-conscious diet. For a healthy body, however, not only nutrition plays a role, but also the environment we live in. This makes it all the more important for people to have a healthy home. When building a new house or renovating the old one, the focus is increasingly on ecological building materials in the interest of sustainability. At the same time, however, these materials are not supposed to put undue strain on your finances. Eco-labels such as EMICODE® provide help: Building products carrying this seal have been tested to be solvent-free and harmless to human health. The good news: They are not more expensive than non-ecological products as they represent today’s standard.
People spend around 90 percent of their lives in enclosed spaces where floor coverings – next to walls and ceilings – account for the largest area. Air hygiene is therefore an important criterion if you want to feel comfortable in your own four walls. 73 percent of Germans want a healthy home – this is what market researchers from YouGov found out in a survey for the wholesaler MEGA eG. According to YouGov, almost two thirds of Germans (62 percent) are therefore willing to spend more money on flooring materials that are not harmful to health.
Health and environmental labels provide helpful guidance in the search for ecological building products. However, according to the YouGov survey, so far only every third consumer makes their buying decision based on these labels. But eco-labels like the EMICODE® EC1 seal indicate very clearly which building products are most compatible with our health and therefore “clean”. The best thing is that you need not dig deeper into your pockets for adhesives or other installation products that carry the EC1 label on their packaging. Since EMICODE® is already the market standard, the products bearing this label are no more expensive than conventional products.
For more than 20 years now, GEV EMICODE® has been testing and certifying sustainable building products that are compatible with our health and environment. Independent laboratories safeguard the quality by means of regular spot checks. When looking out for the right quality seal, you can later be sure to breathe in unpolluted room air, protect your health and at the same time our environment – without having to pay a higher price for it.

Photo: @Dean Drobot/
Enjoy your home carefree: Younger people in particular are ecologically aware. This starts with their nutrition and goes all the way to living in a healthy home. If you opt for solvent-free building products, you can create a safe climate at home. Ecological building products can be recognized by quality seals such as EMICODE®. As this is already the accepted standard, you need not dig deeper into your pockets for a healthier lifestyle compared to conventional products. This not only goes easy on your wallet but also on the environment.

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