Useful tips for furnishing your home office

Working from home is becoming increasingly popular. But to work productively and efficiently from home, certain requirements must be met. Our expert explains how to properly set up your home office. In addition to a functional computer workstation, this also includes suitable furniture and – very important – a robust floor covering.

Tip 1: As few distractions as possible and good lighting

Naturally, a separate room is ideal for the home office so that you’re not distracted. If possible, your desk should be at right angles to the window. This will provide natural light but avoid glare from the sunlight. If you don’t have a spare room, you can set up your home office in a corner, niche or unused space in the hallway. Working at a desk requires a good lamp with a minimum illumination level of 500 lux as prescribed for office workstations. Choose an ergonomic office chair to promote an upright posture. For the sake of your health, make sure the windows are properly sealed to keep out drafts and moisture. The recommended wall colors are light or muted shades of blue and green as they have a calming and relaxing effect. But also a combination of neutral and strong colors is possible.

Tip 2: Bonded floor coverings are the most hard-wearing

The requirements for flooring in a home office are somewhat higher than for living or bedrooms. You should therefore choose a flooring material that is as hard-wearing, easy to clean and durable as possible. Parquet flooring is well suited for your study: it creates a pleasant and at the same time elegant atmosphere in the room. Take care, however, to choose a hard and resistant type of wood such as oak since chair castors and mobile pedestals can be quite aggressive and cause damage. If your mobile office furniture is equipped with rubber castors, you don’t need to worry about scratches and scuff marks. A floor mat under your swivel chair provides extra protection for the parquet. Also vinyl is a good choice of flooring: it is robust and both water- and dirt-repellent. At the same time, vinyl scores with a great variety of decors. No matter which flooring comes out on top, it should always be glued to the entire substrate surface to make sure it firmly stays in place and looks good for many years to come.

Tip 3: EMICODE® products ensure healthy indoor air        

Indoor air hygiene is an important issue in both work and living spaces. For this reason, only healthy building and installation materials should be used. Products that carry the EMICODE® EC1 seal on the packaging are very low in emissions, comply with the strictest limit values and are subject to constant monitoring by independent test institutes. The EMICODE® thus guarantees clean and safe indoor air over a long time so you can enjoy a healthy “feel-good climate” in your own four walls. EC1-certified products also meet the highest requirements for indoor air in accordance with the specifications of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB).

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20 October 2021